
Monday, July 15, 2019

Trump Speak II

Donald J. Trump and his minions have introduced a whole new set of words and phrases. They have also brought some older words to the forefront as well as changing their meaning. Here is the second list of some of the new Trump lexicon. 
  • Take the mantle - Usually means ttake on a specific role or position, along with any associated responsibilities. To Trump in regards to the Christmas 2018 government shutdown, it meant blame the Democrats.

  • The Pesident - the title Trump used in a tweet to describe himself. No R needed
  • The United States looses soooo much money on Trade with Mexico under NAFTA - Is all that money loose change? Maybe loose pesos.
  • It turns out to be true now - Here comes a whopper.
  • Make no mistake... - One of Pence's favorite expressions. Whatever follows is probably a Trump lie or threat that Pence is repeating.
  • Very strongly - usually used when Trump is trying to convey that a foreign leader is denying some terrible action that everyone knows they did or authorized. 
  • Even greater than anyone would know! - Used by Trump to falsely describe his support on an issue.
  • A far worse situation than almost anyone would understand - The implication being that only a (J)enius like Trump could figure this out. First, it ain't that bad. Second, almost everyone understands except Trump.
  • Some say - get ready, a whopper will be following. Either a wild boast, misused statistic, or another outright lie. The "some" is either none or maybe two. 
  • You all know it - The words that just came out of my mouth was complete bullshit.
  • Most people don't know... - followed by an outright lie or something almost everyone knows. 
  • Total exoneration - only total in Trump's mind and his stooges. Nevermind that his Attorney General specifically said the Mueller findings do not mean exoneration. 
  • No Obstruction - The DOJ decided not to prosecute the obstruction they found.
  • People are beginning to realize... - Trump just found out. The world has realized for years. 
  • A little squabble - His term for a major and serious trade war with China.
  • Only in America - What was once a positive phrase, Trump uses as a negative, particularly when complaining about laws or policies he disagrees with. 
  • Not my type - Trump's first response when confronted with a sexual assault charge. This indicates that there is a "type" that he would assault. 
  • A very stupid guy - Anyone who disagrees with or points out Trump's shortcomings. Actual IQ or ability does not matter.

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