I offer no apology for what I am posting for this is truly how I feel. Please know this is my opinion and not open for debate. If you disagree, or find my position offensive, please feel free to unfriend me forthwith.I have lived through 9 United States Presidents prior to our current President Trump. In my lifetime I have never seen or heard of a President being scrutinized over every word he speaks, humiliated by the public to the point of disgrace, slandered, ridiculed, insulted, lied to, lied about, threatened with death, threatened to rape our Beautiful First Lady, and have his children also insulted and humiliated.There are a few things evident about the above quote/post. The posters are ardent Trump supporter. They were not paying attention during the Obama administration or chose to agree with all the Obama slurs. The post says they have lived through nine presidents prior to Trump yet I know some of those who have propagated the post have lived through more than nine. I suspect some re-posters have lived through fewer. For the record, I have lived through 12 presidents prior to Trump although, I don't remember much about the Truman administration.
I am truly ashamed of the people of MY country. I am ashamed of the ruthless, hating, cruel, Trump haters who have no morals, ethics or values and the reporters who feel they have the right to carry on with lies and say the things they do for the purpose of furthering to divide this country. The immense display of disrespect is intolerable. Every other President before he was elected, took the oath of office was left alone, especially children, they weren't on the news 24/7 being scrutinized by their every word. While failing to report truth in real and important events affecting this country. This has been the Jerry Springer era of "news media ". ALWAYS BEING PRESSURED to do this or that and never given the time to take care of the important work this country really needs. ENOUGH is ENOUGH is ENOUGH, LEAVE THE MAN ALONE AND LET HIM DO HIS JOB FOR GOD’S SAKE! Our future and freedom depends (sic) on it.🇺🇸
If you agree, copy and paste this to your timelineI am truly ashamed of the people of MY country. I am ashamed of the ruthless, hating, cruel, Trump haters who have no morals, ethics or values and the reporters who feel they have the right to carry on with lies and say the things they do for the purpose of furthering to divide this country. The immense display of disrespect is intolerable. Every other President before he was elected, took the oath of office was left alone, especially children, they weren't on the news 24/7 being scrutinized by their every word. While failing to report truth in real and important events affecting this country. This has been the Jerry Springer era of "news media ". ALWAYS BEING PRESSURED to do this or that and never given the time to take care of the important work this country really needs. ENOUGH is ENOUGH is ENOUGH, LEAVE THE MAN ALONE AND LET HIM DO HIS JOB FOR GOD’S SAKE! Our future and freedom depends (sic) on it.🇺🇸
🇺🇸If you agree, copy and paste this to your timeline
Let's unpack some of the other points. The words of every president are scrutinized, as they should be. Words matter. Almost every First Lady has been criticized, much of it superficial but also for stances they have taken or issues they supported. Children of the First Family have also taken hits from the public and media. Then he gets personal. According to the original author, those who oppose Trump have no morals, ethics, or values. This from the people who were up in arms about the "deplorables" comment by Hillary Clinton. It is so bad he is ashamed of "MY country". "Every other president was left alone." Really, according to my memory, every other president was criticized. Then there is mention of the 24/7 news coverage. To be fair, real 24/7 news coverage didn't even start until midway through Clinton's administration. Yes, CNN started in 1980 but their penetration wasn't that great to start with since cable TV was still fairly new. The real 24/7 political coverage began in 1996 when Fox News and MSNBC both joined the cable news competition.
It is somewhat sad that even if the post is how you truly feel and is your opinion, it is not open to debate. That even presented with contradicting facts you will not change your mind. Feelings, political views, and opinions are somewhat different than beliefs. I would assume that opinions are formed based on facts and life experiences. That there is some basis for that opinion. Beliefs, on the other hand, are taken on faith, usually can not be proved or disproved. You can believe that a Christian God is real but you can not prove it. Likewise, so far no one has been able to prove that a Christian God is not the prime mover and all knowing. The same goes for every other religion. Actually, ardent atheists, those who believe there is no god, are about the same as the religious crowd. Neither side can prove their belief or disprove the other side's belief.
Back to the task at hand. Every president has had his detractors. Bad stuff has been said about every one of them. Some of it has even been true. Challenging people on Facebook who disagree with your opinion seems counter-productive. None of us should live in a world where everyone thinks exactly alike. How would you ever grow? How would humanity evolve? No person or group or political party has a monopoly on all truths or good ideas.
I agree that Trump has been scrutinized and called out when he is wrong or just ridiculous. It goes with the office. If you are a secure person, you ignore most of it. This president has a hard time ignoring slights and criticism. He often responds and makes it worse or at least keeps the issue in the news.
From the day Obama took office, the GOP and those opposed to him took aim. They constantly promoted rumors that Obama was not a native US citizen, born in Kenya, led by Trump. They said that he is a Muslim, many Muslim conspiracy theories emerged. That Obama was at fault for the poor response to Katrina even though Bush 43 was in office at the time. That Obamacare included a "Death Panel". Want some real wacko things said about Obama? Read this Mother Jones article. Michelle Obama and their kids were attacked, just like every first lady and first family for at least the last 50 years.
The constant attacks and lies against Obama by the GOP and right-wing media paved the way for what poor, berated Trump is dealing with now. In fact, it probably paved the way for Trump to be elected. Government bad, facts bad, truth bad. After Obama was elected, the GOP Congressional leaders, Fox News, and the right-wing media openly hoped for Obama to fail. Nevermind that he was our duly elected president (both Electoral College and popular vote, twice).
The mainstream media call out Trump and his administration when they lie. That is their job. Sure, some left-wing media go too far just as right-wing media does in the other direction.
When we hear something that reinforces our beliefs and viewpoints we think it is true. When we hear criticism of those we disagree with we think that is true and fair. If you are a Trump supporter you think the world is picking on poor Donnie whenever he is criticized. At the same time, you may propagate lies about those who disagree with you and think nothing of it.
Many of the people complaining about Trump's treatment were regularly posting fake news and memes about Obama and his family a year ago. They then continued the same behavior against Hillary Clinton during the campaign. For some reason that wasn't considered over the top by Trump supporters.
Was this popular meme either fair or truthful?
Were the Obama kids spared?
Many of the criticisms of Obama had racist overtones.
There are thousand of other examples. My Facebook newsfeed was full of them for eight years from my GOP "friends". Most of them were shares or links from right-wing and often fake news sites. I even tried to refute some of them with actual verifiable facts. Some even admitted that the stories or memes were false but it didn't matter because Obama was basically scum and the posts were funny. Truth and facts didn't matter, only opinion and beliefs.
Well, after eight years of seeing a president I supported lambasted daily for eight years, I feel justified in pointing out the flaws of the current president, his administration, and even his adult children and spouse when warranted.
Whether you agreed with Barack Obama's politics or not, he was a decent man. He was a good family man, no divorces, no affairs, no scandals. His only real flaws, according to some, were that he was a Democrat and Black. Mostly the Black part. He was also well informed and articulate. He was a student of history and The Constitution. Apparently, those are all negatives.
We all have the right to our opinions and beliefs. I don't unfriend people for disagreeing with me as long as they don't make it personal. There are good, honorable Americans on both sides of the issues. It is regrettable that people are so entrenched in their political opinions that they would not even consider a different viewpoint. Neither Republicans or Democrats, conservatives or liberals, Blacks or whites, Christians or Muslims have a monopoly on good ideas.
I will continue to criticize Trump, his administration, Republicans, and conservatives when I think it is warranted. I will also criticize and disagree with Democrats and liberals when I think they are wrong. I will even change my mind on an issue as new facts come to light.
Poor abused Trump is getting the same criticism as every other recent President. He just reacts to it differently and whines or childishly strikes back. Trump can certainly dish out the insults and slurs. Too bad he can's also take the incoming.
Toughen up Donnie, ignore the criticism and most of it will disappear in a day or so.
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