
Thursday, January 19, 2017

Promises Already Broken

Donald Trump will be sworn in as president on Friday. Then we can begin keeping score for real. Usually, our politicians wait until after they take office to break their campaign promises. Since Trump insists that he is not a politician he is breaking some of his promises immediately after beeing elected. Some are complete breaks from the campaign rhetoric and others are significant modifications. This is just a sampling, I'm sure there will be more.

  • The investigation and prosecution of Hillary Clinton - Trump promised to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate, prosecute and ultimately jail Clinton over her email situation. Now he says no. He doesn't want to hurt the Clintons or divide the country. This is after a year of trying to hurt the Clintons and divide the country.
  • Investigation of the Clinton Foundation - see above. Accusations of play-for-pay apparently aren't important now. Maybe since the Trump Foundation seems to be involved with some play-for-pay situations.
  • Abolish ObamaCare on the first day - Seems some of the ACA is actually good. Now he plans to keep parts of it. Also, he now promises that it will not be rescinded until a new healthcare law is in place. That will certainly take months if not years.
  • Illegal Immigrants - round them all up and deport them, all 11 million. Now it's just the criminal immigrants. 
  • The WALL - it was going to be a beautiful wall along the whole Mexico-US border. Now maybe some fencing, even electronic surveillance might be OK. Also, no more mention of Mexico paying upfront for the wall or is it a fence. Now he wants Congress to pay for it and Mexico will reimburse us "later". 
  • He will never settle the Trump University lawsuit out of court - He settled out of court for $25 million. As usual in a settlement, the defendant (Trump U.) admitted no wrongdoing.
  • Torture - Waterboarding might be bad. Now maybe beer and cigarettes will extract the needed information. 
  • Climate Change - maybe it is real and not a Chinese hoax.
  • Paris Accord - Trump promised to pull out of the Paris Accord on climate change. Now, maybe not.
  • Change to libel laws - Trump wanted to be able to freely sue the press and media when he didn't like their coverage of him. Apparently, he has since read the First Amendment.
  • Obama is the worse president in history. Now Trump likes him and apparently is asking for and taking advice from the worst president ever. 
  • "Drain the Swamp" - So far his transition team and cabinet appointments are littered with cronies, Wall Street people, career politicians and lobbyists. He's just creating a different swamp, a mostly rich white male swamp. He's privatizing the swamp.
  • A ban on all Muslims entering the country - OK, maybe not.
  • An Infrastructure Bank - He was against Clinton's proposed establishment of an infrastructure bank. Now his Secretary of Treasury designate, Steven Mnuchin, is exploring establishing an infrastructure bank. Of course, Trump will take credit for the idea. 
  • He will have a news conference, in December, to detail how he will disengage from his business. The news conference was held on January 11th and he hasn't really left his business.  
I'm sure I missed something.There will be more, there are also flip-flops on other statements that were not actually campaign promises or constant issues in his stump speeches. Let's not forget that after years of saying Obama wasn't born in the US, he admitted he was wrong. We'll get into more of them as time goes by.

During recent stops on his "Victory/Thank You" tour of America, Trump has practically admitted that some of his campaign promises were "political stunts". How do you feel now Trump supporters? 

This is just the beginning because perfect adjectives, among some less flattering ones, to describe Trump are chameleon and opportunist.  


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